What is this resource?
This is a focused read-aloud companion pack for the book Santa Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins. The purpose of this resource is to provide teachers and students with a structured focus on vocabulary, text-based higher level questions, comprehension, and ELA-based skills through an authentic and engaging children’s literature.
What is included?
This resource includes a combination of ELA posters, Vocabulary Word Cards and definitions, Text-Based Questions, Writing Prompts, Collaborative Poster Templates and 3 Differentiated Comprehension Checks.
What Common Core Standards are covered?
Kindergarten – RL.K.1 | RL.K.2 | RL.K.6 | RL.K.7
First Grade – RL.1.1 | RL.1.2 | RL.1.6 | RL.1.7
Second Grade – RL.2.1 | RL.2.2 | RL.2.6 | RL.2.7
What ELA skills are addressed?
The focus of this particular pack is: asking and answering questions about key details; retelling; using illustrations to understand the text and make predictions.
Who created this resource?
Abby Mullins, also known as Babbling Abby, is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who most recently was an interventionist in a Title I school. She holds a BA in both psychology and elementary education, along with an MA in teacher leadership. She loves creating engaging experiences for students, collaborating with passionate educators, and bringing her creativity and enthusiasm to classrooms across the globe through curriculum and resource development. Abby also blogs at The Inspired Apple where she shares here ideas, activities, and her love of education.
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