Heck yes, I’m counting! {Please go back and reread that statement in your best Napoleon Dynamite heck yes voice. So much better.} So, it’s Tuesday! Already! For some reason, my county extended our Spring Break to include yesterday (PTL!), and I am all kinds of glad that I didn’t have to return the Monday after Spring Break. In fact, all weeks would be much better if they started on Tuesday, no? Sigh. Look at my boy. I’m catching glimpses of what he’s going to look like as a young man some day. YOUNG. MAN. Did I just type that?! He’s going to be four in June and that just makes me want to stop time RIGHT THIS INSTANT.
Spring Break is OVER, the Cats *won* (yes, I’m a UK grad for those you who asked), and most of us can officially say that school is out next month. NEXT MONTH! Ah! Since my student teacher is soloing, I’ve been reviewing our curriculum documents, giving my strugglers some extra support, and preparing for the month of May when I’m back to being a full-time teacher again. Today I made an anchor chart. What’s new?! 😉 While I’m always questioning my students while we’re reading, I wanted to be a little more intentional about making sure my kiddos were thinking and questioning while reading. I made a little visual aide to help guide their thinking. {Of course, this would’ve been ideal to introduce at the beginning of the year, but I’m still getting to know the Common Core and time is always an issue!}
Here’s a set of these questions for you that you could use during class discussions or put at a reading center to encourage your students’ thinking and aide in comprehension. Each one relates to a Common Core Standard, too 🙂 Just fill out the form at the bottom of this post and you’ll receive the mini-posters via email!
So, how are y’all? Is everyone else as excited for the conclusion of this school year as I am? I mean, I can only drink so much wine. I kid, I kid! Happy not-Monday!
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