Last spring, I started using simple strip puzzles with my 4- and 6-year old to help with their fine motor skills and cognition. Read on to find out their many benefits and how you can make the most of them in your own home or classroom! Try a free sample using the form below!

Simple Strip Puzzles
If you followed along with us during distance learning, you know that the idea for Simple Strip Puzzles stemmed from our work back then. So, what is a simple strip puzzle?
Basically, it’s exactly what it sounds like! It’s a simple puzzle made of six strips. When arranged correctly the strips create a picture.
How to Assemble a Simple Strip Puzzle
Well, there are a few ways you can differentiate this activity depending on the level of your little learner. My kids both needed the grayscale guide (as seen above) to help them determine where to paste the strips. However, as they advance through the puzzles, it is my hope that they will no longer need the guide and will be able to put them together without it.
The Benefits of Simple Strip Puzzles
There are so many benefits to using Simple Strip Puzzles, whether in your classroom with your students or at home with your own children. By cutting and assembling simple strip puzzles, the child is strengthening:
- Upper- and lowercase letter recognition
- Scissor skills
- Fine motor development
- Hand-eye coordination
- Organization
- Concentration
- Sequencing
- Visual processing
Yes, literally from one activity – that usually takes less than ten minutes to incorporate into your day – you child can work on SO MANY SKILLS! It’s like a no-brainer!
How to Make the Most of Them
In order to make the most of this resource, here’s my advice:
- Incorporate them into your daily routine. This can look different depending on how you structure your day. Some options include using them for morning work or at a center.
- Child choice. Let your child or students choose which one(s) they’d like to do. Having a sense of ownership over their work provides a sense of pride and motivation.
- Model, model, model. While these puzzles are SUPER simple to you and I, don’t forget to show your kiddos how to complete one. Show them how to use the grayscale guide, how to manipulate the strips by turning them, and how to line them up before they paste them.
More Free Activities
I love sharing the things we love doing on at home that support academic success! Head on over TO THIS POST for some fun games you can do with your little ones.
Try a Sample for Free
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