Meet the Teacher | First Day of First Grade

First, here’s 10 random facts you may or may not know about me.  I’m an open book, for the most part, so my list may or may not repeat itself in the archives from Meet the Teachers of the past.  {PS.  I’m linking up with Blog Hoppin’ for Teacher Week!  Check it out!  And, yes, I am a day late on this particular linky.  Story of my life.}

And, now, onto our First Day of First Grade.  Which is officially over, and it went surprisingly well. I say that because I was anticipating the transition from mommy to teacher to not be the easiest on either of us.  However, he showed up dressed and ready at 7am, with plenty of time to wake up and watch an episode of Chima before the school bell rang.   We didn’t finish everything in my plans, but that seems only natural on the first day of school.  I was always significantly over-planned for the first week of school when I was in the classroom, so I expected as much today.  Our Storybook Bible just arrived in the mail this afternoon, so I hope to begin that tomorrow.  
I started off by introducing this schedule to him.   If you don’t post your daily schedule in your classroom for your students, I highly recommend it.  It was very helpful for him to know what to expect and to mentally prepare of whatever activity was coming next.  Kiddos appreciate the structure and sequence.  {Ignore the times.  I made this as a loose guide before finalizing my lesson plans yesterday.}

Next was morning work taken from my Handwriting Makes Me Happy sight word handwriting pack.  I introduced some of these over the summer, so they weren’t entirely unfamiliar, but he was a little rusty.  No big deal.  Tomorrow, I will introduce him to three of the handwriting tasks associated with this activity.  We have all year to learn 😉


Since we didn’t get a chance to do our Scripture Study, it was on to our first Brain Break!  HE. WAS. SO. EXCITED. about these! Again, knowing that Break Breaks were on the horizon after he completed something was very helpful in keeping him on task today.  Tomorrow could be a different story, but it worked today!  I introduced him to Go Noodle and he was hooked instantly.  In fact, he preferred to revisit the site for subsequent Brain Breaks, too!

Calendar Math was courtesy of Cara at The First Grade Parade.  We completed his Calendar Binder insert together and probably will do it hand-in-hand for the rest of the week.  I crossed the things out that we aren’t ready to use yet (i.e. money, expanded notation, number sentence, etc.), and concentrated on being able to read the calendar to locate the date, month, day of the week, and year.  
This week, for spelling and phonics, we are concentrating on reviewing vowels.  If you don’t own The Teacher Wife’s cute little Glue Vowels resource, you *must* download it…FOR FREE!  We LOVE it.  Such an excellent visual for young learners and excellent way for the concept to stick.  Pun completely intended 😉
For word work, Beck sorted through our magnetic letters and separated consonants from vowels on our steel boards.  I love these things.  {They’re also featured in Becks’ bedroom >> here.} You could totally use them in your classroom by adhering them to the wall/door/wherever with 3M velcro strips, which is exactly what I did.  You can purchase them at Hobby Lobby or Michaels for around $8 a piece if you have a coupon.  
Another amazing freebie we used today is courtesy of Lisa at Growing Firsties!  Her Vowel Song is sung to the tune of Deck the Halls, and was the first addition to Becks’ poetry journal.  He’s busy decorating it below.  
Our math curriculum is courtesy of Deedee and Deanna, whom I love and adore for making this amazing resource.  Well, I love them anyway, but they really thought of everything when they developed Guiding Firsties.  Today, we found patterns in our subitizing cards.  Someone was a little too excited to use wax sticks that we had to spend a few minutes exploring them.  He is making a person below 😉

Well, more to come tomorrow!  Or the next day!  I’m exhausted.  This teaching stuff is H-A-R-D!  
But, it’s good to be back.  With my favorite pupil ever 🙂

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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