It’s Monday, which I’ve kinda sorta been looking forward to. I know – weird, right? It’s because I started taking this aerobic dance class at the gym and it. is. awesome. Except for the mirrors. Which are constant reminders of how gangly and awkward I am. Also, apparently I never really looked cool dancing. Which is in stark contrast to what I thought about myself when I went out in college. Who knew? * * * * * * * * * So, this week we’re all about dinosaurs in my classroom. I actually chose it because dinosAUr has one of our spelling patterns in it. It’s a stretch, I’m aware. Especially since it’s pronounced dinosOR. Whatever. We’re using Deanna’s amazing pack, which I prepared for last week… And then I did this to our reading center on Friday which just set the class abuzz since I told them they’d have to read from their book bins instead until Monday…
Nothing like inducing a little anticipation in your firsties 🙂 I also made a whole bunch of math and literacy centers to go with our unit, which I’ve been tediously cutting out all day. This pack is my newest upload to TpT, too. Twelve math and literacy centers. Check them out by by clicking the preview pic below. Oh yeah, that’s Becks’ t-rex face.
And here’s a little freebie from the pack for you. It’s an I love dinosaur books! response log. Click below to download. I modeled how to complete it today after we read a dino book, and then will add several copies to our reading center tomorrow so the kiddos can complete it independently.
Hmmmm. Oh, yeah. Digraph anchor charts. Nothing life shattering. I have a few kiddos that need a constant reminder, so I whipped these up while my ST was teaching. {PS. When I student taught, I was left alone in the classroom. Now, it’s a law in KY that the collaborating teacher has to be in the room. I totally get why, but I’ve had to give my students the “I’m invisible!” chat so that my ST could take complete control. Is this a law where you are, too?}
And, lastly, my Green Lantern. Or so he says. I asked him to get dressed over the weekend and he came downstairs dressed as Green Lantern. Green Lantern obviously has a penchant for striped Baby Legs, whale-embroidered green cords, a green thermal…and Toms. I love it. Obviously, I pick my battles. And I wasn’t prepared to go up against Green Lantern. So he rocked this all the way to Walmart and back.
Happy, happy Monday!!!!!!!
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