Favorite Five | Edition No. 2

Hey, hey and happy Wednesday! Though I’m sipping on a warm cup of coffee flavored with pumpkin spice creamer, it’s a chilly NINETY DEGREES in Kentucky today. What even. Fall is four days away and I’m all maybe I need to buy more sunscreen and host a barbecue this weekend???  Thankfully, Mother Nature is supposedly arriving in her suede booties, distressed denim, and a cozy sweater sometime Saturday, so there is hope yet for September to actually feel like September before it’s over.

Until then, put on your sunnies and take a peek at this week’s Fave Five…

Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 19

  1. Kelle Hampton’s FREE printable Fall Bucket List + her Grab Your Cider Mug, It’s the 2018 Fall Playlist! on Spotify – Kelle has long been an inspiration to me, since my early days of blogging circa 2008 when I was just learning to become a mama. She’s encouraging and real and her enthusiasm for life is contagious. Her Fall Bucket List is just what I needed to be intentional about enjoying and embracing this season. And, that play list? SO GOOD. It makes me long for the crisp coziness of a fall day, wrapped up in a blanket by the fire watching Harry Potter (which I make the entire family wait until October 1st to watch #mullinsfamilyrule). FYI: this download came via email, so be sure to sign up for her updates!Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 19
  2. Project 7 gum – Gals. This stuff. SO GOOD. Perfect for when you want to eat a cupcake but you actually don’t want to eat a cupcake. The flavors are amazing, and there are still so many that I need to try!Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 19
  3. Rise & Rise Together Podcast by Rachel + Dave Hollis – I am ALL ABOUT the podcast life lately. It’s taken me a bit to get on board, which basically just means there are plenty to choose from in complete season form. I’ll typically listen while I’m getting ready in the morning, in the car by myself, or working on something. I’m a huge fangirl of Rachel Hollis, so it’s no surprise I’m digging her podcasts. The Rise podcast is perfect for you teacher-preneurs and small business owners. Rachel interviews some fantastic girl bosses and I find myself doing lots of head-nods and having ah ha! moments while listening. | The Rise Together podcast includes her husband, Dave, and Brandon and I both listen to this one. Living our best married life is hugely important to the two of us, and we find their chats to be affirming, inspiring, and authentic. Worth the listen, for sure.Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 194. She Reads Truth Bible – I have Quiet Time every morning, and it’s one of my biggest motivations for getting up before the sun (in addition to just really enjoying a cup of coffee in silence before the chaos of the day begins the instant our kiddos are awake). I read my Bible and devotional, pray and caffeinate. It really starts my day out in the best possible way and, with no other distractions, I can be intentional about giving God my best before the day gets in my way. I love the She Reads Truth Bible. The artwork is lovely, but I really love the reading plans laid out for each book of the bible. I’m currently working my way through the New Testament and am just about halfway through Luke.Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 195. My Husband Killing it as a SAHD – First of all, let’s address the fact that he’s ruuuuuuull cute. He left his job in customer service about a month ago and has since taken over running the Mullins’ household on a full time basis, so that I can continue running my business successfully. We talked about it all summer before finally taking action, and I am so glad that we did. I’m also incredibly humbled that this is even an option for our family. Babbling Abby | Favorite Five | Sept 19

What are your faves lately? Is it still summer where your are or are things getting cooler? Are you enjoying the weekly fave five? Tell me all the things!

And, if you didn’t get to check out last week’s Fave Five, check out THIS POSTplus my favorite ways to wear the oversized tee-shirt trend are HERE, too!

Five simple ways to style a plain white tee.

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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