Free Inferencing Activity

Use what you already have in your ‘teacher bag’ with this FREE inferencing activity with your students!

I used this fun and easy activity in my first grade classroom to teach them about inferencing. All it requires is a free printable and your teacher bag! Your students will quickly understand this challenging concept, all while learning more about their favorite teacher! Because teaching students to infer is a valuable skill to use while reading, this activity works perfect for kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade students alike!

Materials: printable, your ‘teacher’ bag/purse/gym bag/etc., writing utensils


Explain and define inference and how to infer to your students.

Display your teacher bag and remove an object from bag

Show object to students and explain how to make an inference about based on the object (Example: If you pulled out a gift card to Starbucks, you could explain to your students how they could infer that you like coffee and received the card as a gift from someone.)

Pull a few other objects out and guide your students through making inferences, encouraging them to make inferences.

Then, display the remaining contents of the bag for all the students to see (you can stage this part if you want so that the inferences will be more obvious – i.e. movie ticket, car keys, wallet, etc.)

Provide your students with the printable and have them select 3 objects to record and make inferences based on them.

Then, bring students together to discuss their inferences as a whole group.

Grab the printable inferencing activity by clicking the graphic below or by clicking HERE!

I used this fun and easy activity in my first grade classroom to teach them about inferencing. All it requires is a free printable and your teacher bag! Your students will quickly understand this challenging concept, all while learning more about their favorite teacher! Because teaching students to infer is a valuable skill to use while reading, this activity works perfect for kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade students alike!

Watch the video from this post to learn more about this activity and two other fun ways to teach inferencing to your elementary students! Or, hop over this this post from a few years ago to see this lesson in action in a first grade classroom!

Happy Teaching!

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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Hi, I’m Abby! Thanks for stopping by. I love supporting kindergarten and first grade teachers with engaging, skill-based activities that are easy to use in their classrooms. Let me help you be the best teacher you can be!
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