Groove-less and Going Batty!

  Hey, y’all!  What?!  Over a week since a post?!  I . Am. Bad.  But mostly busy.  At home and at school. And, girls (and the occasional guy), I cannot get my groove on!  I have this block of time in the afternoon where I had a lots of kididdles (i.e. EIGHT) pulled for reading support, and it was maaaaajorly throwing me off.   What do you do when almost half of your class is missing?  Well, I tried dealing.  And that wasn’t working.  So, I opted to move my recess time to later in the afternoon, which gave me a larger block of time to get through math (the subject that was suffering in the afternoon).  So, now my little dumplins are trying to adjust to later recess time.  As we all know, six-year-olds do *not* do well a change in schedule.  Oy.  Just pray for me 🙂 In other news, we diagrammed apples last week (an activity inspired by sweet Rachelle), and I just loved how they turned out.  013 014016017018 This week, we’ve been learning about bats.  The kids are just *batty* for this unit! 012 Since one of the skills we’re focusing on in reading this week is identifying main idea and supporting details, we completed a tree map about bats and then added them to a little craftivity. 011 019020 If you would like a copy of the tree map, click the pic below.  BatsCanHaveAre I made a template for the bat, too, though I’m not sure how to-scale it is since I had to make it in Paint (my scanner doesn’t work!  Grrr!).  I copied a few tracers onto cardstock and then let the students trace them onto folded paper.  Click HERE for the template. FYI: I am *desperately* trying to get a fun little Halloween activity uploaded to TpT by Saturday.  Hopefully, with a whole FOUR HOURS of me-time on Friday morning, I’ll meet my goal!  AMEN AND HALLELUIA FOR FALL BREAK!!!!!  This teacher/momma/wife needs it something awful! Happy Hump Day!

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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