It’s snood-a-licious!

Gobble, gobble, teacher friends!  I just *love* this time of year. It’s snood-a-licious!  Despite the fact that I have 21 conferences to attend this week, I’m so excited about teaching my firsties about Pilgrims and Native Americans I can’t stand it!  We started learning about turkeys last week.  The feathers you see pictured below were designed by my kiddos and used in a measuring activity.  TurkeyFeathers After the students decorated the feather templates with markers and stickers, I laminated them and we used them to measure each other and then searched for items around the room that were 1, 2, and 3 turkey feathers long.  FeatherMsr We also read a nonfiction book about turkeys and completed a brace map depicting the body parts of a turkey…


Gotta love turkey parts: snood & caruncle were, by far, my kiddos’ favorites!!! Then we made scrapbook paper turkeys and I forgot to take pictures of them!!!!  They were oh-so-cute, though!  {I’m pretty sure this was a Cara-inspired activity!} {If you’re looking for more November activities, you can find the turkey feather measuring activity, the student turkey brace map, and much more in my Oh So Thankful Activity Pack, on SALE for $5.60 from  now until Wednesday!}  We also completed more Long A activities to reinforce that Sneaky E!


{For those of you who asked, I will be posting two version for Long E – the “ee” pattern and the “ea” pattern.  They should be up by Wednesday. Long A can be found HERE, Long I can be found HERE, and Long O can be found HERE.  Remember, the activities are the same; only the spelling patterns differ 🙂 } In other news, the Smart Board I was promised last spring has been sitting on the loading dock since summertime.  I know, right?!  They were set to install it on Thursday.  So, I fully arrived on Friday morning prepared to be graced by its presence.  Not so much.  Dang.


And, real quick, I just want to let you know that if you’ve emailed me in the past, oh, six months I’m sorry if I’ve not responded.  I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the emails.  While I read every single one, I’ve just gotten way behind at responding to them all and I’m sorry!  I’ve decided to clean up my inbox a bit to make it a little more organized and a lot less intimidating. So, if you’ve emailed me after October 1st I will respond to your email soon.  If you’ve emailed me before that and I’ve not responded, please email me again.  Again, I apologize for the long delay!  I love all y’all and truly appreciate your kind words, questions, and suggestions.  I value them all 🙂 Have a great week!!!

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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