Keepin’ it real…

Keepin’ it real DUSTY, that is!  Omiword, is this 12 kinds of embarrassing or what?! 042 I’m just going to throw a figure out here, and say that I haven’t dusted behind that TV set in approximately 18 months.  You know, around the time I started grad school and life went cah-to-the-razy.   Because who has time to dust when there’s research to be done?! And now you’re probably seeing me in a new light…a dusty light…but a new light, nevertheless.  Don’t for a second think I always have it altogether.  Because I soooooo don’t.  I’m negligent of dust bunnies and proper electrical cord storage (holy fire hazard!).   I took care of the dust and the cord chaos this past weekend, but still haven’t written my last grad school paper.  Dang. My thesis/research presentation is TOMORROW.  And, honestly, I’m all I really could care less because I just want to get it over with.  Seriously, why does the university schedule these  things from 4-7pm on a SCHOOL NIGHT?!  I mean, we’re TEACHERS.  So, needless to say, I’m probably going to be covered in some kind of craft material, and will have glue smeared on whatever I decide to wear tomorrow.  Also, I’ll be very tired.  Because reigning in 21 holiday crazed firsties is really wearing me down. And, also in the spirit of keeping it realz… I’m sorry I have nothing new for Christmas.  I was working on two activities and then my husband had a pretty bad car accident on Tuesday morning (he’s fine PTL, his truck was not).  And I said to heck with them.  I couldn’t wrap my mind around all the what ifs and what could’ve beens, and so I clearly wasn’t thinking about the Christmas activities.  So, I defer to my internet besties and the crazy amazing things they’ve made for the holidays – which I fully intend on doing a post about before the week is up.  So, have a great evening.  And pray that I don’t talk at an ungodly fast pace tomorrow and that none of the professors actually find my research interesting enough to ask questions about.  Thanks and amen 🙂

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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