These are the days, you all.
Trying and eye-crossing crazy, but absolutely precious and perfect, too.
Here are my #momtruths as of late…
I will absolutely allow the removal, sorting, and crawling around with my stash of out-of-commission feminine products if it means I can do my makeup and hair in peace. #momtruth #pregnant #whateverworks
Sure, go ahead and empty the recycling bin for creativity’s sake. #momtruth #imaginationfordays #creativitywithoutlimits #itsarobot
When your boys are hanging together being all cute, you must take a picture. #momtruth #ilovethem
Clutter, disorganization, inappropriately placed furniture and boxes of Pedialyte are a run-of-the-mill around these parts. #momtruth #PedialyteisEXPENSIVE
There will be crying. #momtruth #imisswine
Cute, sleeping babies sometimes require a photo op. #momtruth #sweetbeyondbelief
You will give in to your son’s room decor choice on occasion. #momtruth #TMNT
If I want uninterrupted time alone, I have to rise no later than 5am. #momtruth #mustfixshelves #everyoneissleeping
The couch in the above pic looks so cozy, I think I’m going to have to revisit for nap momentarily.
Happy Tuesday!
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