Hey, hey! Happy Monday! And, an even happier Monday because NO SCHOOL. Amen.
So, today I thought I would share a little list of Must-Haves for the First Grader. This is by no means a comprehensive list – just some of our favs! Maybe you’ll snag an idea or two or have a few of your own you’d add. I’d love to know in the comments!
First up, is an all-inclusive caddy. Full to the brim of things we use daily.
And, here are a few First Grade Goodies that we couldn’t do without.
As clickerific as they can be, we LOVE clickers. I used to use these all the time in the classroom for segmenting and syllabication. However, you do have to set up some ground rules – because clickerific can be code word for ANNOYING.
1) Get all your clicks out for one minute before activity. Trust me, your kids will LOVE this part because, basically, they get to be clickerific without getting in trouble for one whole minute. Set the timer and let them click away.
2) Only click when the teacher says to click. Anyone who abuses the clickers (i.e. clicks for the heck-of-it or out of turn) gets his clicker taken away and he has to segment/syllabicate with his boring old fingers. This is a strong incentive to only click when allowed.
Here’s Becks segmenting with a clicker:
If you can tolerate the clicks, add a few to a spelling/segmenting/syllabication center for students to use independently. By the way, I bought mine years ago at a teacher store. You’ll probably have to ask where they are! {PS. I got this idea from a *fabulous* first grade teacher when I first started teaching – my Aunt Debbie!}
ETA: Find clickers >>HERE<<.
I’ve said it before, but we truly love Michelle’s First Grade Helper!
Click >> HERE << to grab a copy.
There ya have it! Some of our favs!
What are your’s?
Stay in the know!
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