OU/OW Activities Continued… {First Grade}

I’m so lucky that I have good bloggy teacher friends who are out there to inspire me {or to commiserate with me!}, and I was thanking my lucky stars this morning when I saw Kerri’s post over at Teacher Bits and Bobs about her OW/OU activities.  Kerri used *clowns* to teach her kiddos about /ow/ diphthongs, and created a super cutie read-the-room activity to go with her theme, along with recording sheets. 
Since I’d already taught my kiddos with OU/OW with cow and mouse, I created a similar activity for them to do.  I hid various ou/ow words around the room and then gave them a recording sheet.  They *love* anything scavenger-huntish, so this was right up their ally!  Then, afterwards, they wrote 2 sentences using the words they found – one with an OU word and one with an OW word – and illustrated them.  I let them choose their fav of the two, and we cut it out and posted it on our bulletin board that we started yesterday. 
No clue why this pic is so blue/green?  Room lighting?
 Click the button below to download the additional activities (the cow/mouse are attached, too).
Again, I owe a great big *THANK YOU* to Kerri for inspiring me! {PS. She’s a really good sharer – go check out her darling “virtues” writing activities! Love it! Also, give her a big ol’ bloggy hug because she’s in school until the end of June! UGH!}
* * * * *
Though you probably don’t need any push to go pick up Deanna’s bug unit, just check out this sweet little glyph activity combined with her “What bugs me…” writing prompt!  Thanks, Deanna, we love it!

Please read this on – her subtlety is hilarious!   I told her I got the message, and she could handpick her job for next week!
{Who else is feeling like tomorrow should totally be Friday?!  WHAT. IS. UP?!  And I’m jealous of all y’all who’re getting off for Good Friday.  We’re not.  BOO!}
Happy day, friends!

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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