Faster Way to Fat Loss Review with Pictures

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This post shares a FASTer Way to Fat Loss review with pictures. 

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

Let me set the scene – one that’s probably familiar to you, too…

It’s probably about 8:47pm in early-May and I’m scrolling social media, winding down from the end-of-the-school-year chaos and the exhaustion that comes with wrangling three kids into bed, and I scroll past a picture of a friend. Something about her picture caught my eye, and I scroll back up and think to myself, Daaaaaang, she looks great! Like, really, really amazing. I read her caption where she describes her lifestyle change, along with the hashtag #FWTFL. I investigate the hashtag and realize that she’s referring to The FASTer Way to Fat Loss – a program that I’d actually heard about from a few other girlfriends. I scroll through several hundred other inspiring and transformative pictures where women share their stories of not just getting into better shape but of overall better health. I was intrigued, but then ultimately decided the time wasn’t right because the next round was set to start May 21 and run six-weeks – which would interfere with my upcoming trip to San Diego for Get Your Teach On. Who wants to be on a work-cation and have diet restrictions in place and have to work out? Not. Me. That’s basically setting myself up for failure from the very beginning.

Over the next several days, I continued crossing virtual paths with other women who’d been successful with FWTFL, so I researched a little more. I went to the site and looked around. Meh, did I really want to shell out some cash on a program I probably wouldn’t even finish and that probably wouldn’t yield the same results these other ladies had? Nah, it it would all just be a waste, I decided. No, thanks.

It was the day after Mother’s Day that finally convinced me – for none other than the simple reason that I wanted a gift that was supposedly useful. And, if I failed, at least I could say it was just a belated Mother’s Day gift to myself. I wouldn’t tell anyone because accountability is overrated. 


Before I profess my undying love for FWTFL – because that’s exactly what I’m getting ready to do – take a hard look at all those statements in bold. Do you recognize them? Have you said the same thing(s) before? THEY’RE ALL EXCUSES! Every single one of them! Who even am I?! I am NOT an excuse maker!

The Faster Way to Fat Loss Review with Pictures.

I actually intended to write this post in three weeks, at the completion of the full six-weeks, but my results in only three week have surprised me enough that I wanted to share it with you. Like, actual VISIBLE results that I CAN SEE without strenuous amounts of sucking in and turning sideways in just the right amount of lighting. This is big, y’all. Stay tuned for those picture.

Here’s what I can tell you so far:

The workouts are doable – from home, at the gym, or even if you’re a beginner.

The fitness component has three different options to accommodate YOU.  I do the at-home workouts and they usually take me about 30-45 minutes to complete. The equipment needed is minimal – a band, some dumbbells, a mat. Each workout has very explicit instructions with video-support, so you can easily review the move in the privacy of your own home before performing it in the workout. I actually workout with my computer right in front of me and scroll through each move until the workout is complete – similar to checking an item off of a list. #teachermove The workout plan runs Monday through Thursday + Saturday, with Fridays and Sundays off to rest or get in some active recovery.

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

The workouts are diverse.

I cannot do the same thing every day. In the past, when I’ve tried other big name programs or committed to run every day of the month, I ultimately wind up bored and disinterested. Especially when the changes they yield are minimal. FWTFL changes it up daily, cycling through HIIT, tabatas, sprints, and strength training, teaching you how to maximize your efforts so that you strengthen, tone, and lean out without killing yourself with cardio. You will sweat, you will burn, and you will feel really good about it. Each week, you will build on the last, increasing in time, weight, and strength.

There is no calorie-in/calorie-out diet to obsess over. No expensive shakes to buy.

It’s like an un-diet. It focuses on nutrition, achieved through calculating macros that are unique to YOU, along with intermittent fasting. Wait! Don’t let that scare you. This is far, far, far, FAR from a starvation diet and learning your macros is cake (which you can actually EAT while doing FWTFL). Intermittent fasting has MANY benefits. See for yourself.  And, good news: I’m not starving and feel 100% satisfied . I’m eating really amazing meals that not only leave me full and energized, but are easy to make and are what I’d feed my family anyway. No diet foods, subscriptions I forget to cancel, portion containers, or commitment to buy $130 bags of protein shake mix to maintain your success. Praise the Lord.

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

The accountability is incredible.

Upon the start of the program, you’re put into an all-female Facebook group where you check-in and encourage one another. My favorite are the #sweatyselfies. Of course, you don’t ever have to post a picture of yourself in all your drippy, post-workout glory, BUT I find it really motivating to see all these amazing women GETTING IT DONE. Plus, you have access to FWTFL pros who are there to encourage you and answer your questions.  Usually within minutes! It’s wonderful. (I’m not trying to win any fashion contests here or become a fitness blogger, so here’s my sweaty selfie after Leg Day but before I broke my fast with that donut!)

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

I feel really good.

My attitude has improved, I don’t feel sluggish or worn down, and the mental clarity provided by making a healthy lifestyle change is really quite amazing. And, it sure helps that my clothes fit better. Not going to complain about that.

You don’t have to bust your hump with cardio.

I love cardio. I really do. There’s nothing like a really good sweaty workout session to make you feel like you accomplished something. Don’t get me wrong – a good run is wonderful and the post-run endorphins are legit. I, personally, never saw results like those I’ve seen with FWTFL doing cardio alone – not running, not fitness classes, not through extreme videos and all their promises. And, to be honest, I simply do not have an hour and half to devote to a lengthy run (which I was usually doing to compensate for my food indulgences anyway, not to improve my health #truth).

The physical results are legit.

Okay, so this is where I get a little freaked out because showing off my flaws isn’t comfortable or pretty. It makes my heart race a little, and then I start questioning whether my progress so far is good enough to share with you and blah blah blah. But, today I’m choosing brave because I’m proud of myself and I want YOU to feel brave, too. I want to celebrate the tiniest bit of ab definition I’m starting to see. And, look at my shoulders! You can’t suck in your shoulders, so there’s some actual upper body leaning out going on, too! Remember, this is after only three weeks. I cannot wait to take the afters in another three weeks at the time of the program completion!

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

I’ve already decided I will be investing in a second round when I complete my first in early July, no doubt. But, the good news is: YOU can start NEXT WEEK! A new round begins June 18th! That means you will finish before school starts and begin the year refreshed and feeling amazing. There’s not a better time. I promise, you have 45 minutes a day to devote to making YOU a priority! No second-guessing whether or not you are worthy of this. YOU ARE!!!!!

You will be a better version of yourself for YOU, your family, your kiddos, and your students. Healthy teachers are thriving teachers. I spoke with Amanda Tress, the founder of FWTFL, on the phone yesterday and she wants this for YOU, too! She comes from a family of educators and would love to support you in your journey. She is genuine and dedicated in her desire to help teachers achieve healthy, empowered lifestyles.

So, take your excuses. Every last one of them. Write them down if you have to. Then: throw them all away because YOU are done with them. Just like I am. Click HERE to sign up.


These details may or may not interest you, but for those of you that need to know, here they are:

I am 5’9″ and, when I began the program, I weighed 144lbs on the nose. I have a slender build naturally, but as evidenced by the pictures above, I wear my clothes well enough to disguise the pudgy post-baby-post-wine-post-all-the-things middle section. My goal for FWTFL was not to lose weight, though most of us can’t help but drop a few pounds when we begin eating healthier and exercising regularly. As of this morning, my weight was 142.8.  Amanda will tell you that your scale is a liar and to put no stake in those numbers. You don’t even weigh in at the end of the program. I list this purely as an FYI for those of you that want to know.

My goal was to lose that pudgy middle and find a nutrition-based fitness plan that I could stick with. Check and check. So far, I’ve lost 1.5 inches from my waistline and another .75 from my bust. How about that?!

The Faster Way to Fat Loss has PROVEN results! This is three weeks after starting the program!

Do you still have questions? I’m more than happy to answer them. Email me at [email protected] OR feel free to drop me a comment below! Let’s do this!

PS. I was not compensated for this review! I genuinely adore this program and think you might, too! I love sharing things that work for me, so if you find yourself even the slightest bit interested, hop over to FASTer Way to Fat Loss to check it out!

PSS. If you want to read more about the FWTFL, check out these posts:

A Guide to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Inspired Recipes

5 Tips for FASTer Way to Fat Loss Success

FASTer Way to Fat Loss: An Update

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Abby is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher who channels her passion for education into creating engaging activities and resources for the kindergarten and first grade classroom. When not dreaming up or working on her next project, you’ll find her enjoying her family – most likely in her minivan on the way to a soccer field.


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